College of Basic Education

College of Midwifery

College of Nursing

College of Radiologic Technology


We, envision DR. P. OCAMPO COLLEGES, INC. to be
1.An institution of academic excellence endowed with competency, responsibility and worthiness.
2. a collaborative group that will demonstrate the great design of God’s intention to produce leaders committed to the service of humanity.

DR. P. OCAMPO COLLEGES, INC. is a Filipino non-sectarian Educational Institution committed to the total development of the human being with emphasis on the growth of the mind and body. We adhere to the cultivation of the human values as a tool in achieving our national goals and we will endeavor to remain supportive to the ideals and thrust of the Philippine Government.
We pledge to deliver quality education to all Filipinos where mind is led forward by God into an ever widening horizon of thought andaction for the service of our fellowmen.

1. The dignity and integrity of a person is the first consideration in our chosen profession.
2. We treasure our national patrimony and hold sacred the love of our country.
3. Progress and development in our land can be attained by promoting peace and harmonious relationship among Muslims and Christians where mutual respect and religious tolerance abound for we are all
children of God.

 Enroll with us today!